Issues Sending Mail using Windows 7 email clients

If you are using Windows 7, you may find that you're unable to send mail through our mail servers. This is often because Windows 7 uses older encryption ciphers. 

To be able to use our outgoing mail services, a computer and it's operating system must be capable of using modern encryption ciphers. In our case, the minimum level of TLS required is TLS Version 1.2

Older levels of TLS are now considered insecure, and can allow hackers on wifi networks to get passwords and take over email accounts. This usually leads to them send out spam, but also lately leads to identity theft.

Luckily, Microsoft have released an update to be able to use TLS 1.2.  This is despite the fact that  Windows 7 end of life was January 14, 2020.

Instructions to update Windows 7 to use TLS 1.2 can be found at

Further information and instructions from Microsoft can be found at

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