I can't see my website or access my email

What to do if you can't see your website or access your email

Down-time is very rare on our servers, so if you can't see your website or access your email, it's possible there is a problem with your internet connection, or you have been blocked by the server.

You can quickly verify if your site is down by going to http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com and typing in the address of your web site.  If it reports that the server is down, please contact us by email at support@domainhostingshop.com.au or by phone on 1300 727 334 (or +61 2 8022 8331 if you are overseas).

If it's just you, and you can't see your web site or access your email, then 1 of two things could have happened...

1.  Your internet connection has issues, or
2.  You have been locked out.  

Issues with your internet connection

Connection issues happen frequently.  Data travels through many servers on the internet, and if just one in-between your computer and your server has issues, you won't be able to access your site or email.  Frequently, these types of connection issues are caused by network changes or issues that are outside of yours and our control, so the quickest way to try to resolve this is to reboot your computer and modem, which will hopefully update the DNS records you get from your ISP.

An alternative solution is to update your DNS servers to alternative servers not provided by your ISP.  Updating your DNS servers may also require that you reboot anyway, but Google has great instructions on how to do this here -> https://developers.google.com/speed/public-dns/docs/using

"But I can see other site on the internet just fine"
Yes... it's likely you can see every other site on the internet, but that doesn't mean that there is anything that we can fix.  Frequently, these types of connection issues are caused by network changes or issues that have nothing to do with our servers or your ISP, so are outside of yours and our control.  The quickest way to try to resolve this is to reboot your computer and modem.

What does re-booting do?
Rebooting your modem and computer resets your connection to your internet provider, and updates any cached information regarding the path through the internet between your computer and the server.  Generally if there were issues with any of the steps in the path, the servers in between have already been updated with a new way to navigate the path.  A great explanation of how it all works can be found here -> https://askleo.com/how_does_flushing_a_dns_cache_help_resolve_some_issues_and_while_youre_at_it_whats_dns/



If you have been locked out...

When you're locked out, you're unable to see your website, access email, or log in to cPanel. It's likely that you have been attempting to access your email or log in to cPanel using the wrong password.  The best way to deal with this is to follow the instructions below.  You should hopefully be back up and running in just a few minutes.

Step 1.

Go to http://clients.domainhostingshop.com.au/what-is-my-ip/ where you can find out what your IP address is.  Make a note of it, as you'll need to know this in Step 3.

Step 2.

Reboot your modem.  Generally you just need to switch it off, wait a minute or two, and switch it back on again.  If you're using a USB 3G/4G modem, unplug the modem and wait a minute or two and then plug it back in again.

Step 3.

When your internet connection is back on, go to http://clients.domainhostingshop.com.au/what-is-my-ip/  again, and see what your IP address is again.  If it's different, you should be able to access your mail again without any problems. You will then need to make sure you're using the correct password in your email program. If it's the same, you'll need to submit a support ticket to request that we un-block you.  We'll need to know what your IP address is and luckily you've followed our instructions, and written it down as we asked you to do in step one!

Step 4.

We'll unblock your IP address, and will usually tell you which email account has caused the block.  You will need to ensure that if you don't know the password for the account, that you reset it's password in cPanel, and update any devices that access the account with the new password.

NOTE: Our server security blocks you for a maximum of 30 minutes.  If you are blocked, you should just disable your email accounts on any device trying to access them, and wait 30 minutes.  You should then be able to log in to cPanel and reset the password on the affected accounts.  You can then update any devices that access the account with the new password.

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